Region #3

“I love coffee, I love tea, I love coffee talks in Region #3!”

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Region #3
Travel in Tune... To Region #3

Since the beginning of the lock down, Directors’ Coordinator Lora Wright and Education Coordinator Carol Thompson worked together to provide ongoing quality education to the Region 3 Directors during monthly Saturday morning “coffee talks.” The invitation has been extended to all via… Travel in Tune! So come on over to the windy city for some inspiration, revelation, caffeination and education.

Sneak Peek

Join us for "Coffee Talks in Region #3! See what’s on the itinerary for our upcoming trip in the just-released “sneak peek” video:

Special Performance

Get to know your next Travel in Tune destination, Region #3, with this video of the 2019 Champions PRISM Quartet and River City Sound Chorus:


We have arrived in Region #3 Midwest Harmony! Join us for a stroll through the windy city as we meet the region’s quartets, choruses, Queens and Management Team. You’ll see friends and meet new ones too during the “welcome” video below:

Education Showcase

Sweet Adelines CEO Tammy Talbot kicks off the grand finale of our “coffee talks” during this education showcase. We’ll learn all about moving forward, the circle of fifths, and the timely Song Assessment Tool. Without further ado, grab your cup of coffee or tea, and join us on...Travel in Tune. Watch the education showcase below:

Check out the Travel in Tune...Blog!
Check out the Travel in Tune...Blog!

Need something to read while you're waiting for the next flight, train or cruise? Pull up the Travel in Tune blog for more about exciting destinations and excursions!

Travel in Tune

Have you chartered off course? Use the button to travel back to our current destination.

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