Meet Our 2024-2025 International Board of Directors
Top Row (l to r): Jenny Harris, Annika Dellås, Janice McKenna, Mary Teed, Joan Boutilier, Vickie Maybury, and Elaine Hamilton
Bottom Row (l to r): Valerie Taylor, Thérèse Antonini, Mary Rhea, JD Crowe, and Sharon Cartwright
A dynamic organization requires vibrant and innovative leadership. At Sweet Adelines International, we are governed by the best and brightest leaders from all over the world. These twelve extraordinary members excel in musicality and leadership and champion for the organization to ensure Sweet Adelines remains innovative, fresh, visionary, and thriving.
The International Board of Directors functions as the governing and decision-making body of the organization and has the authority to spearhead all actions necessary to fulfill its purpose. Whether it’s strategic planning, program development or setting comprehensive standards for worldwide excellence, our board members sow their time and hearts into their important roles in the running of the organization.
In February of each year, chapter presidents/team coordinators are sent information on choosing potential nominees for the International Board of Directors. Chapters are encouraged to look at the leaders in their chorus, region and the Sweet Adelines world with an eye toward their potential as members of the International Board. The nomination and slate selection process is described in the Policy Book, Section V, Divisions A-C and in the Chapter Guide, Section XI.
The IDEAL International Board of Directors Nominee
- Thorough understanding of and commitment to the mission and vision of Sweet Adelines International to define and pursue goals and to carry out the aims of the international organization
- The ability to think strategically, analytically, critically, creatively and with vision for the future
- The ability to effectively express thoughts and the reasons for them, via both verbal and written communication
- The ability to work well with others as a member of a collaborative group with decision-making authority
- The ability to adapt to changing circumstances and needs
- The ability to interact respectfully with a variety of personality types and ideologies
- The ability to encourage, coach and mentor others to foster leadership development within Sweet Adelines
Experience and requirements:
- Working knowledge of Sweet Adelines bylaws, policy and working practices, related to both governance and the mission of Sweet Adelines International
- Experience in Sweet Adelines International as a chapter officer, and regional or International officer, committee/task force chair or member
- An understanding of the fiduciary duties of loyalty, care and obedience to the mission and policies of Sweet Adelines International
- Computer skills, with ability to communicate electronically
- Vision and long-range planning experience
- Availability to travel and attend the three annual meetings of the International Board of Directors
- Will support and nurture the culture of philanthropy in Sweet Adelines International
Additional interview/reference items:
- Possession of earned respect of other key stakeholder group members (for example, International Board of Directors, Regional Leaders, committee/task force chairs, etc.)
- Demonstrates an understanding of governance vs. management
- Earned reputation for emotional maturity, personal integrity, confidentiality and honesty
Information for Potential Nominees
IBOD Applicant Information Pack
2024 International Board of Directors Potential Nominee Application
What is Expected of Someone Running for the Board – Are You Ready?
2024-2025 Executive Committee
The election of officers of the International Board of Directors took place March 2, 2024, and following are the members who are serving on the 2024-2025 Executive Committee:
Mary Rhea, International President
Thérèse Antonini, Immediate Past President
Jeanne d’Arc (JD) Crowe, President-elect
Sharon Cartwright, Secretary
Valerie Taylor, Treasurer
Message to the International President
The Corporate Services Department serves as the official staff liaison to the International Board of Directors. If you would like to send a message to the international president or a board member, contact the Corporate Services Department at corp_secy@sweetadelines.com.
International Committee List
International Task Forces
International Task Force List (Updated September 17, 2024)