2024 Results
Region 1: North Atlantic
Region 2: Border Lakes
Region 3: Midwest Harmony
Region 4: Harmony Heartland
Region 5: Spirit of the Midwest
Region 6: Northern Lights
Region 8: Rocky Mountain
Region 9: Coastal Harmony
Region 10: Great Gulf Coast
Region 11: Sequoia Pacifica
Region 12: Pacific Shores
Region 13: North by Northwest
Region 14: Heart of the Blue Ridge
Region 15: Greater NY/NJ
Region 16: Lake Ontario
Region 17: Great Lakes Harmony
Region 19: Atlantic Bay-Mountain
Region 21: Golden West
Region 25: Heart of America
Region 26: Canadian Maple Leaf
Region 31: Quartet of Nations
Region 32: Nordic Light
Region 34: Southern Cross
Region 35: New Zealand

Watch all the contest performances for inspiration, education and examples of the very best in women’s barbershop singing. It's all on YouTube!