Region #31

Join us all aboard the Region #31 Intercity Express...

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Travel in Tune... To Region #31
Travel in Tune... To Region #31

Grab your passport and pitch pipe for a musical and sightseeing trip across the Quartet of Nations on Travel in Tune!

Sneak Peek

See what’s on the itinerary for our upcoming trip in the just-released “sneak peek” video:

Special Performance

Get to know your next Travel in Tune destination, Region #31, with this video of the 2019 Champions Nightfall Quartet and Heartbeat UK Chorus:


Get your rucksack packed and rail passes ready to board the...Region #31 Intercity Express! Join Regional Management Team Coordinator, Emma, as she guides us across the "Quartet of Nations" (Netherlands, England, Wales and Scotland) in the welcome video below:

Education Showcase

Education Coordinator Alyson Chaney introduces us to some of the faculty that expertly share some of their top barbershop tips with you. Enjoy physical and vocal warm-ups, take part in vocal function exercises to help rehabilitate unused voices, learn all about our false vocal folds, and work on vocal agility during Region #31’s education showcase:

Check out the Travel in Tune...Blog!
Check out the Travel in Tune...Blog!

Need something to read while you're waiting for the next flight, train or cruise? Pull up the Travel in Tune blog for more about exciting destinations and excursions!

Travel in Tune

Have you chartered off course? Use the button to travel back to our current destination.

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