Queen of Harmony (and news anchor) Michelle Hunget provides a livening glimpse of the journey ahead during this sneak peek video:
Get to know your next Travel in Tune destination, Region #5, with this video of the 2019 Champions Take 4 Quartet and River Blenders Chorus:
Welcome to Region #5 Spirit of the Midwest! In this welcome video, enjoy live reporting across the five states that make up the region:
Give it your all, from head to toe, with the Region #5 Spirit of the Midwest Education Showcase on Travel in Tune! Get inspired with vocal readiness exercises and classes on expression for both singers and directors:
Region #5 Spirit of the Midwest encompasses choruses from Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. Use the button below to find a chorus in Region #5.
Need something to read while you're waiting for the next flight, train or cruise? Pull up the Travel in Tune blog for more about exciting destinations and excursions.
Have you chartered off course? Use the button to travel back to our current destination.