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International Chorus Champions

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Sweet Adelines choruses have been around from the beginning, but until 1973, only quartets competed at the international level. The first-ever Sweet Adelines International Chorus Competition was held at the 1973 Convention in Washington, D.C. (USA). Racine Chapter (Wisconsin, USA), directed by Jarmela Speta, became our first International Champion Chorus.

Since then, the popular chorus competition has inspired innovation, creativity, and magnificent performances that can only be accomplished by a group of dedicated singers working together on (and sometimes off, sometimes even above!) the risers.

Presenting... Sweet Adelines International's Chorus Champions
Rönninge Show Chorus, 2020 Champions

From Rönninge, Sweden, under the direction of Anna Alvring and Britt-Helene Bonnedahl.

Scottsdale Chorus, 2019 Champions

From Scottsdale, Arizona (USA), under the direction of Lori Lyford.

North Metro Chorus, 2018 Champions

From Toronto, Ontario (CAN) under the direction of Erin Howden.

Rönninge Show Chorus, 2017 Champions

From Rönninge, Sweden, under the direction of Anna Alvring and Britt-Helene Bonnedahl.

Scottsdale Chorus, 2016 Champions

From Scottsdale, Arizona (USA), under the direction of Lori Lyford.

Melodeers Chorus, 2015 Champions

From Northbrook, Illinois (USA) under the direction of Jim Arns.

Rönninge Show Chorus, 2014 Champions

From Rönninge, Sweden, under the direction of Anna Alvring and Britt-Helene Bonnedahl.

North Metro Chorus, 2013 Champions

From Toronto, Ontario (CAN), under the direction of June Dale.

Melodeers Chorus, 2012 Champions

From Northbrook, Illinois (USA) under the direction of Jim Arns.

Scottsdale Chorus, 2011 Champions

From Scottsdale, Arizona (USA), under the direction of Lori Lyford.

Rich-Tone Chorus, 2010 Champions

From Richardson, Texas (USA), under the direction of Dale Syverson.

Melodeers Chorus, 2009 Champions

From Northbrook, Illinois (USA), under the direction of Jim Arns.

Harborlites Chorus, 2008 Champions

From Anaheim, California (USA), under the direction of Pam Pieson.

Rich-Tone Chorus, 2007 Champions

From Richardson, Texas (USA), under the direction of Dale Syverson.

Scottsdale Chorus, 2006 Champions

From Scottsdale, Arizona (USA), under the direction of Lori Lyford.

Harborlites Chorus, 2005 Champions

From Anaheim, California (USA), under the direction of Pam Pieson.

Melodeers Chorus, 2004 Champions

From Northbrook, Illinois (USA), under the direction of Jim Arns.

North Metro Chorus, 2003 Champions

From Toronto, Ontario (CAN), under the direction of June Dale.

San Diego Chorus, 2002 Champions

From San Diego, California (USA), under the direction of Kim Hulbert.

Melodeers Chorus, 2001 Champions

From Northbrook, Illinois (USA), under the direction of Jim Arns.

North Metro Chorus, 2000 Champions

From Toronto, Ontario (CAN), under the direction of June Dale.

Rich-Tone Chorus, 1999 Champions

From Richardson, Texas (USA), under the direction of Dale Syverson.

Melodeers Chorus, 1998 Champions

From Northbrook, Illinois (USA), under the direction of Jim Arns.

North Metro Chorus, 1997 Champions

From Toronto, Ontario (CAN), under the direction of June Dale.

Rich-Tone Chorus, 1996 Champions

From Richardson, Texas (USA), under the direction of Dale Syverson.

Melodeers Chorus, 1995 Champions

From Northbrook, Illinois (USA), under the direction of Jim Arns.

Toast of Tampa Chorus, 1994 Champions

From Tampa, Florida (USA), under the direction of Randy Loos.

Rich-Tone Chorus, 1992 Champions

From Richardson, Texas (USA), under the direction of Dale Syverson.

Gem City Chorus, 1991 Champions

From Dayton, Ohio (USA), under the direction of Jean Barford.

Ramapo Valley Chorus, 1990 Champions

From Upper Saddle River, New Jersey (USA), under the direction of Renee Craig.

Scottsdale Chorus, 1989 Champions

From Scottsdale, Arizona (USA), under the direction of Bev Sellers.

Vienna-Falls Chorus, 1988 Champions

From Fairfax, Virginia (USA), under the direction of Betty Tracy Clipman.

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High Country Chorus, 1987 Champions

From Denver, Colorado (USA), under the direction of Sharon Babb and Julie Haller.

Ramapo Valley Chorus, 1986 Champions

From Upper Saddle River, New Jersey (USA), under the direction of Renee Craig.

Gem City Chorus, 1985 Champions

From Dayton, Ohio (USA), under the direction of Jean Barford.

Scottsdale Chorus, 1984 Champions

From Scottsdale, Arizona (USA), under the direction of Bev Sellers.

Valley Forge Chorus, 1983 Champions

From Valley Forge, Pennsylvania (USA), under the direction of Jan Muck.

Gem City Chorus, 1982 Champions

From Dayton, Ohio (USA), under the direction of Jean Barford.

Seven Hills Chorus, 1981 Champions

From Cincinnati, Ohio (USA), under the direction of Tom Gentil.

High Country Chorus, 1980 Champions

From Denver, Colorado (USA), under the direction of Sylvia Alsbury and Julie Haller.

Ramapo Valley Chorus, 1979 Champions

From Upper Saddle River, New Jersey (USA), under the direction of Renee Craig.

Island Hills Chorus, 1978 Champions

From Huntington, New York (USA), under the direction of Estelle Grau.

Gem City Chorus, 1977 Champions

From Dayton, Ohio (USA), under the direction of Jean Barford.

Mission Valley Chorus, 1976 Champions

From Santa Clara, California (USA), under the direction of Gloria Sandstrom.

San Diego Chorus, 1975 Champions

From San Diego, California (USA), under the direction of Marvin Yerkey.

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Gem City Chorus, 1974 Champions

From Dayton, Ohio (USA), under the direction of Jean Barford.

Racine Chorus, 1973 Champions

From Racine, Wisconsin (USA), Under the direction of Jarmela Speta, Racine Chorus became the first-ever Sweet Adelines International Champion Chorus.

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