Vocal Exercises Video Series
Presented by Sweet Adelines Master Faculty member Kim Vaughn
2014 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner, Sweet Adelines International; Master Director 700; member of San Diego Chorus; 2001 International Champion Director; 3-time International Quartet Champion, High Society (1976) Savvy (1988) a cappella Gold (2001); Region 21 Hall of Fame Winner; Master Faculty; Certified Sound Judge; MA Vocal Pedagogy
Special shout out to Maisie, Kim's adorable dog featured throughout the video series!
Part One: “The Importance of the Palate”
In this video, you will learn how to strengthen and prolong your palate lift by using a “snuff breath” technique.
Part Two: “Range Extensions with Italian Vowels”
In this video, you will learn how to expand your vocalizing range without harming your voice.
Part Three: “The Messa di voce (placing of voice) Technique”
In this video, you will learn how to sustain a single pitch while gradually making the voice louder (crescendo) and then softer (diminuendo).
Part Four: “Range Extension Going Up”
In this video, you will learn two exercises that will help you extend your range when singing up.
Part Five: "Building the Lower Range"
What do singers want to do before sliding the note down? How does this technique translate to vocal tone? Find out and practice your vocal skills, with the help of Marina from San Diego Chorus in part five!
Part 6: "Strengthening the Mixed Voice"
Singers know that a little bit of breath and support go a long way…especially when you find the break-and-shift point in your voice. During this vocal exercise, Master Faculty Member Kim Vaughn guides Leah from San Diego Chorus through vocal exercises to strengthen the break in mixed voice shifting.
Part 7: “Vowel Sound Resonance” with Kim Vaughn
The basic work unit of all a cappella music is always the…? (Correct answer: the vowel!) During this vocal exercise, Master Faculty Member Kim Vaughn guides Sharee from San Diego Chorus in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and what to look for in a five note scale.
Sweet Adelines International
Education Department