Kansas City 2024

Join us October 28–November 2, 2024 in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

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Kansas City 2024
76th Annual International Convention and Competition

Get ready for jazz music, great barbecue, and, of course, spectacular barbershop singing.

Register Now for International!

Purchase your All Events Pass online through September 2, 2024.
You can purchase a Single Event Pass on-site at the Registration Desk in Kansas City.

Hotel Block Opens Soon!
Yes! Registered attendees will receive a specially contracted rate! Sweet Adelines Hotel Block will open for reservations soon. Details will be provided right here—we will also send you an email and post on social. Stay tuned!
World Harmony Chorus

World Harmony Chorus

Representatives from non-competing choruses are invited to sing together on the international stage in Kansas City! World Harmony Chorus performs on Saturday evening, November 2, just prior to the Chorus Finals Awards Ceremony.

Directed by Joanne Oosterhoff, Master Director of A Capella West Chorus in Region #34 Southern Cross. (Pictured)

Thursday and Friday morning rehearsals are required — so make sure your chorus representative is a morning person! In addition to Convention Registration, World Harmony Chorus registration is required.

Sing. Laugh. Repeat.

Monday Funday Chorus Leaders

Monday Funday is back! Enjoy classes with international champions The Ladies, LoveNotes, and Lions Gate Chorus. No additional registration is required to attend Monday Funday...just register for International Convention! (On Monday you'll get a chance to sign up to sing on the International Stage Thursday evening.)

Visit the KC education page to find out more about Monday Funday and all the great classes including how to sign up for one-on-one personal voice instruction (PVI) and quartet coaching.

Take us to the City of Music!

Visit Kansas CityIn the April issue of The Pitch Pipe you'll find suggestions about where to visit, what to eat, and where to go in vibrant, fun Kansas City, Missouri! As the only U.S. city to be named a “City of Music” by UNESCO, we are proud that our convention will become part of its history.

International Competition Schedule & Order of Appearance

Harmony Classic
Tuesday, October 29

Quartet Semifinals
Wednesday, October 30

Chorus Semifinals
Thursday, October 31

Quartet Finals
Friday, November 1

Chorus Finals
Saturday, November 2

Discover the Magic Behind the International Convention – Volunteer with Us!

Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at International Convention? Now’s your chance to find out! Sign up to be a Convention Volunteer!

  • All Events Pass (AEP) required. 
  • Only a six-hour time commitment. 
  • Convention Assistants this year will receive a discount on their All Events Pass to the 2025 International Convention and Competition.

In mid-July, we'll send detailed information to interested attendees, including position descriptions and a survey link to indicate your availability.

Email us at volunteer@sweetadelines.com with questions or to sign up!


Contact our Events Department at events@sweetadelines.com.

We'd love to hear from you!

View operational areas for each department to ensure your inquiry lands in the right place.

First time here? Find a Chorus in your area to learn more about joining Sweet Adelines!