Sweet Adelines provides opportunities for women to not only experience the harmony of music, but the harmony of sisterhood. Members come for the music, but stay for the friendships! Sweet Adelines empowers women with skills — making them valued performers and leaders. Discover why women around the world are singing the praises of Sweet Adelines International!
"I’m a 51-year member, so I understand the milestones. It's been a wonderful journey between chorus and quartet singing, administrative positions, education and making friendships. It’s a dance I wouldn’t have missed for the world!"
–Pat Lipscomb, Pride of Baltimore Chorus, Region #19
“I am passionate about Sweet Adelines because music makes a difference in people’s lives. It brings joy, excitement and it takes people away from the problems in their lives. I am particularly partial to barbershop harmony because we are a team relying on each other. You really can’t do it alone! I know what a gift finding this organization has been for my life. Sweet Adelines is here for women to have the most fulfilling life they can have.”
–Betty Clipman, The Woodlands Show Chorus, Region #10
"One thing I love about Sweet Adelines is there is place for every kind of woman. I love that I can be in chorus and the woman next to me is a doctor, a teacher, a mother, a CEO or a politician, but we share this amazing craft that brings us together. I joined Sweet Adelines because I fell in love with barbershop music, but it's the friendship and the people I've met that keep me coming back."–Neyla Pekarek, Harborlites Chorus, Region #21
“I didn't find Sweet Adelines, they found me when I needed it the most! Three years ago I was working a full-time job and singing in professional theater. After life threw some personal challenges at me, I visited Song of Atlanta Chorus thinking ‘barbershop’ meant it was a coed chorus! What I found was a home and four short months later I was competing on the International contest stage!! Never have I felt more loved, supported, cherished or driven to better myself and my chorus than I do today. It took 30 years for SAI to find me and my future is now brightly lit by the shiny sequins of Barbershop!”–Robyn Matula, Song of Atlanta Chorus, Region #14
"Every single one of us stays because it all spills over into our every day life."–Renée Porzel, Melodeers Chorus, Region #3
"We love Sweet Adelines because it is a hobby for all ages. It blends the young and the old; creating harmony, friendships and memories to last a lifetime. These relationships provide support and encouragement through all of life's challenges; validating that together, we can accomplish great things."
–Michelle Hunget & Mary Duncan (mother and daughter), Kansas City Chorus, Region #5
"I was swept up into this world that was so far beyond anything that I could comprehend. At the time, I was 16 years old and every one was so welcoming. I couldn't be happier to have joined such an overwhelming postitive organization!"
–Stephanie Lawson, Bay Area Showcase Chorus, Region #12
“It is not only about singing perfect intervals and performing wonderful choreography. It is a combination of technical skills, mental skills, emotional skills and boils down to the wonderful performances that we are able to do. It gives us a universal experience! Because of this organization, women are able to grow in every way; musically, personally and intellectually. Sweet Adelines has been quite a fulfilling part of my life.”–Britt-Helene Bonnedahl, Rönninge Show Chapter, Region #32
“There isn’t any way that Sweet Adelines hasn’t changed my life. I don’t think I realized until I joined Sweet Adelines and became a chorus director, chorus singer, and quartet singer, that I was creative. I never thought of myself that way. Now I feel like every possibility is open, especially musically. The performances and shows you can do opens up a whole new world. It gives you a place to sing, to stretch your musical skills, ... it just does so much more than that. We change women's lives. I know, because I am one of them."–Kim Vaughn, San Diego Chorus, Region #21
"When I joined my first Sweet Adeline chorus, I only wanted another outreach to sing other than my church choir. Almost 30 years later you could say that my chorus is my second family. Singing barbershop is such a huge part of my life, and I am learning at every rehearsal how to be a better singer." –Yvonne Morrison, Sounds of Pittsburgh Chorus, Region #17
“I was a wife of a corporate executive and I lived in his shadow as we traveled around the world. When I joined Sweet Adelines, it was Joe who took the back seat and quietly pushed me and encouraged me to become involved. I joined this organization to sing and for the education, and I stayed for the life-long friendships. It is unequaled! It has changed my life for the better. I have had enormous personal growth, far more confidence and still see opportunities 20 years after I started. You bet your biffy! I am Sweet Adelines.”–Kate Veeder, Waikato Rivertones Chorus, Region #35
"Singing and laughter with the best of friends, while creating music that touches people’s hearts – that’s why I love Sweet Adelines."–Carina Bjelkeflo, Pearls of The Sound Chorus, Region #32
"Wish I had known about Sweet Adelines years ago! Thanks to a good friend for introducing me. It's such an outstanding, musical organization, so much fun and it really lifts ones spirits!"–Gloria Grady Ray, Talk of Tulsa Show Chorus, Region #25
"If I could go back and tell my younger self how to navigate through life, one of my top tips would be: Join Sweet Adelines ASAP. You will make lifelong friends, you will stretch yourself in ways you don't even think you can. You will succeed, you will fail and you will try and try and try again. And throughout that whole time, you will be singing. Start today, stay forever. You will find love here."–Maggie Ryan, Greater Harrisburg Chorus, Region #19
"I love the camaraderie, the education, the encouragement and the inclusion my chorus provides me each week. I always look forward to rehearsal every Tuesday because my chorus sisters create a warm and inviting environment where all women are welcomed. The joy of membership resides here! I AM SWEET ADELINES."
–Susan Casey, Grand Harmony Chorus, Region #2
"Sweet Adelines is an incredible group of women, around the world, that provides the encouragement and support to develop lifelong friendships. Without Sweet Adelines, we would not have met our best friends, mentors, second moms, grandma's, funky aunts, and sisters. We could not be more proud to be a part of an organization that strives for community and love while consistently achieving higher levels of education in music. We ARE and will ALWAYS be Sweet Adelines!"–C’est La Vie Quartet, 2015 Rising Star Champion Quartet, Region #21
"I was always a very shy person and that certainly changed as I joined Sweet Adelines. My confidence in myself developed, and my leadership skills became more apparent to me. I’m passionate about Sweet Adelines because it’s fun! It gives me things to think about, it gives me challenges, a chance to work with music and allows me to be able to meet such wonderful people. Every woman in the world should have a chance to sing and have the chance to be in an organization like Sweet Adelines."–Ann Gooch, Jacksonville Harmony Chorus, Region #9
“I love what we do! I was a chorus director for almost 43 years and I saw a load of women come through the doors of our rehearsal hall, and I saw women’s lives changed over and over. I saw them come through the door, unsure of themselves and missing something in their lives. Then I saw them blossom and then bloom in that nurturing atmosphere they found in chorus rehearsals.”–Peggy Gram, Top of the Rock Chorus, Region #25
"Sweet Adelines has been a part of my life for my whole life. It is a wonderful hobby that can span generations of women. It brings families together and empowers women to be leaders in all parts of their lives. I love that I can connect with so many different people because of the leadership skills I have learned in Sweet Adelines AND I get to share music as well! I AM Sweet Adelines!"–Cathie Sturm, Celebrity City Chorus, Region #11
"I've literally been around barbershop music from birth...both of my parents became smitten by the close harmonies and friendships they experienced in Sweet Adelines and the Barbershop Harmony Society. They effectively passed "the bug" to me and I can't imagine my life without it. I've gained life-long friends and the most wonderful musical experiences and education you can imagine." –LouAnn Hommel, Spirit of Spokane Chorus, Region #13
"I love Sweet Adelines for many reasons. Not only have I received outstanding music education but I have developed confidence, leadership skills and abilities I didn't know I had. And even more I have a family of 'singing sisters' that have become dear friends."–Laura Brown, Greater Richmond Chorus, Region #14