- Bring your coffee and meet your new riser mates!
- Physical Warm-ups with Anna-Lisa Glad
- Mental Prep: Performance Meditation with Nicholas Winterrowd
- Vocal Warm-ups with Alyson Chaney
Break from 10:30–10:45 a.m.
- Section Rehearsals & Duets with Kim Wonders (bass), Corinna Garriock (tenor), Lori Lyford (lead), and Anne Downton (baritone)
Lunch (on own) from Noon–1:30 p.m.
- Rehearsal & Coaching with Lori Lyford and Betty Clipman
Songs: "Come On And SING!" and "The Voice Of Harmony"
Monday Funday ends at 3 p.m.
The Monday Funday chorus leads the audience in "Come On And SING!" and "The Voice Of Harmony" immediately following chorus semifinals on Thursday night.
Participants attending Monday Funday can sign up to sing on the international stage. (We will pass a sign up sheet around on Monday.)
You must attend Monday Funday to sign up to sing on Thursday.
All Events Registration Pass is required to attend education classes offered during International Convention.
All education activities are included in your all-events registration.
If you have questions about education activities in Kansas City, email our Education Department via education@sweetadelines.com.