July 31: Closing date for advertising reservations. A confirmation email will be sent after online purchase through the Sweet Adelines store. Payment must be received via credit card in full before being processed.
August 9: Closing date for all artwork file submissions. No refunds will be made after artwork submission deadline.
1. Commercial Rate: $150 per slide
For members and non-members promoting the sale of products, services or events.
2. Shout-Out Rate: $115 per slide
For members and non-members sending congratulatory, good luck, or other special message to choruses, quartets, members or directors, etc.
• If your jumbotron submission has multiple frames that transition, it must be created as a single slide with transitions, not separate slides. Do not submit files with separate slides/frames or you will be charged per slide.
• If your slide submission contains transitions, please ensure that it is set to transition automatically and not by a mouse click. Entire slide transitions should not exceed 12 seconds. Both of these features can be set and tested within the PowerPoint file before your slide is submitted.
• Slides should be designed in Microsoft PowerPoint, saved as a .pptx file, and set to wide-screen (16:9).
• Send file submissions to reception@sweetadelines.com after you have purchased your slide(s) through the Sweet Adelines online store.
Send inquiries to reception@sweetadelines.com.