Travel in Tune

Check for a new blog post bi-weekly as we travel virtually around the globe.

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Travel in Tune
Welcome to the Travel in Tune Blog!

Discover Sweet Adelines Regions around the globe...

Need something to read while you're waiting for the next flight? Pull up the Travel in Tune blog for more about exciting destinations and excursions!

Travel in Tune allows Sweet Adelines International members to virtually experience the exceptional cultures, personalities, and educational programs of each of our regions. To become a member of Sweet Adelines visit or contact our Membership Department via

We look forward to traveling together!

As our website says, “There is always something happening in Region #2!”

How’s it goin’, eh? As the only 100% Canadian Region, Region #26 is made up of six provinces and territories — BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory and Nunavut.

Region #4 Harmony Heartland proudly invites you to join in “Traveling the Road to Vocal Freedom” on Travel in Tune. Bring an extra suitcase! You’ll have tons of vocal techniques and exercises to take home with you.

‘Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi, Oi, Oi!’ If you’ve heard that chant at international competition, you’ve heard from us, Region #34 Southern Cross, also known as Sweet Adelines Australia.

High mountains, deep valleys, beautiful plains, and “Harmony with Altitude”…You can find it all in the second Travel in Tune destination, Region #8.

We'd love to hear from you!

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